Human Resources We recognise that maintaining a strong
workforce is the highest priority, which is why we pride ourselves with our
portfolio of Human Resource Services that are guaranteed to provide you with
several effective methods of strategic implementations to drive the workforce
you require.
Some of the courses that we offer:
* Stores And Inventory Management
* Winning Tenders And Procurement Strategies
* Hiv/ Aids In The Workplace
* World Class Supervisory Management
* Professional Skills For Secretaries
* World Class Leadership Skills
* Managing Budget And Cash Flow
* To Be World Class Finance Managers
* Lean Manufacturing
* Time Management Skills
* Spectacular Project Management
* Fundamental Inventory Methodologies
* Fraud And Corruption Prevention
* Suppy Chain Management
* Measuring Call Centre Performance
* Front Line Excellence
* Stress Management
* Spectacular Service Delivery
* Lean Management
* Effective Problem Solving
* World Class Negotiations
* World Class Sales Motivation